How to Overcome Psychological Erectile Dysfunction

(Article medically reviewed by Dr. Zac Hyde M.D)

21 Tips to Get Your Mind and Body Back in the Game

Many of us men consider sex to be a physical endeavor. 

This isn’t untrue, of course, as it takes a dozen organs, glands, and muscles working together for us to copulate successfully. 

But what many of us fail to consider is the mental part of the sexual equation. 

As you’ll see, this can lead to big problems down the line. 

In this article, we’ll talk about the psychological causes of erectile dysfunction, as well as what you can do about them.  


We’re Talking About “Mental Impotence”

When it comes to discussing any form of erectile dysfunction, most men completely shut down. 

They figure if they ignore it, it will simply go away. 

Well, I’d love to tell you that’s the case, but the truth is that once your brain starts to perceive a sexual problem – even a small one – it’s going to grow like a snowball down a hill. 

Of course, Psychological Erectile Dysfuction (or, PED) is different for everyone. 

Maybe you can get an erection while masturbating but have issues getting or staying hard when it comes to sex. 

Maybe you’re still interested in sex, but your fear of underperforming keeps you from getting a reliable hard-on. 

Maybe you’re so terrified of climaxing early, climaxing late, or not climaxing at all, that the entire sexual system “shuts down” before you start. 

Of course, while it may be “all in your head,” that doesn’t mean that it’s not very, very real.  

So, What Causes Psychological Erectile Dysfunction?

According to WebMD, psychological factors account for roughly 10% to 20% of all erectile dysfunction cases. 

That means that the vast majority of the time, there’s still some sort of physical factor underlying your inability to get hard. 

So, what psychological conditions could take such a normal life function and simply “shut it off?” 

Well, let’s take a look…

Stress & Mental ED

We might try to laugh off our stressful, modern lifestyles with a funny coffee mug or humorous cartoon, but it’s possible that no single factor affects our health as directly as stress. 

After all, our ancient ancestors didn’t evolve to deal with the hassles of a technologically-advanced, work-a-day world. 

To them, stressors came in the form of saber-tooth tigers and marauding mammoths. 

Unfortunately, our bodies aren’t able to tell the difference between life and death and a broken iphone. 

So, when we experience high levels of stress, our body reacts by releasing powerful “fight or flight” hormones that can do significant damage over time. 

One of the ways this sometimes manifests is an inability to get and keep an erection.

Anxiety & Psychological Erectile Dysfunction 

If you’ve never experienced anxiety, it’s essentially like being in a constant state of heightened mental and physical panic. 

And though it affects us in much the same way as stress, it doesn’t always have an identifiable source. 

For example, in people with anxiety disorders, the stimuli causing the problem could be chemical, physical, or based on some past trauma. 

In the case of ED, you have what’s often referred to as “performance anxiety.” 

This is when a fear or memory of sexual failure inhibits your ability to perform in the future. 

Though the actual concern might be buried in denial or some other coping mechanism, it can nonetheless manifest whenever you attempt to have sex. 

Low Self-Esteem & PED

Remember what I said about the snowball and the hill? 

Well, low self-esteem usually starts to appear when the performance anxiety and / or stress we’ve mentioned above really gain momentum. 

You see, once you begin to have issues performing, you will inevitably start to feel inadequate as a sexual partner. 

Once these feelings of inadequacy take root in your mind, it can create a “self-fulfilling prophecy” in which your subconscious fear of failure becomes its own terrible reality. 

Indifference & Mental Impotence

Your 13-year-old self will never believe it, but it’s actually possible for you to completely lose interest in sex. 

This can stem from a ton of different causes, ranging from medication and toxin exposure to porn addiction and testosterone loss. 

Either way, you need to remember that your penis is a “use it or lose it” organ. 

If you allow atrophy to set in, that psychological issue will quickly be replaced by a physical one.

Guilt & Psychological Erectile Dysfunction 


This one will seem a biit out of left field for most guys, but that doesn’t make it any less true. 

You see, many Western Cultures (America especially) don’t really look at sex in a healthy way.

Depending on how you grew up and how you were educated about sexual relationships, you might have a tremendous amount of guilt associated with anything sexual. 

Many men feel this overwhelming sense after copulation, and it can completely ruin the natural high that comes from orgasm. 

Eventually, this can lead to a negative mental association that completely handicaps your sex drive. 

Of course, not all guilt comes from shame in the act itself. 

Some men feel guilty about not pleasing their partner, not being able to live up to their own sexual standards, or even about who their partner is.  

Depression & Mental Impotence

Along with anxiety, depression is perhaps one of the most pervasive mental illnesses in the US (and it’s becoming more and more prevalent). 

Of course, by now, you should be well aware that depression is much more than just “feeling sad.” 

If you really take the time to research the condition, you’ll find that it’s often part chemical imbalance, part neurotransmitter failure, and part stress reaction all rolled into one. 

In short: depression is a powerful condition that can completely overwhelm multiple systems inside your body. 

As such, it can cause ED even when none of the other factors on this list are present. 

To make matters worse, most of the drugs used to treat depression sap your sex drive and lead to side effects. 

In a cruel twist of fate, one of the most common is actually (you guessed it) erectile dysfunction!

Trauma & Psychological ED

No, I’m not talking about physical trauma like a penile fracture (though that is totally a thing and totally terrifying). 

Instead, I’m talking about psychological trauma – the kind that we men are much less likely to discuss with one another, our spouses or our doctors. 

The prime example is PTSD. 

In fact, did you know that 85% of combat veterans with PTSD experience erectile dysfunction issues? 

Well, your body doesn’t know the difference between combat, a car crash, and the death of a loved one, so this condition can result from any significant stress event. 

When it does happen, the results can be devastating to your sex life. 

Curious About the Cause of your Psychological Erectile Dysfunction?

Take the Test

Men, as a group, need to learn from the mistakes of our fathers and grandfathers. 

They thought the best way to deal with their problems was to bury them and never talk about them again. 

As a result, they endured years and sometimes decades of sexual and psychological issues that could have been treated. 

So, if you have even the slightest suspicion that you might be suffering from any form of erectile dysfunction, you need to be proactive about it now so it doesn’t become a problem later. 

The first step? Take the test below. 

As simple as it might be, it’s a great way to identify the difference between a one-time sexual psyche out and a potential hardcore mental blockage.

The Nocturnal Penile Tumescence (NPT) Test

The NPT Test has been around for ages, and while it’s far from the most scientific of ED tests, it can help you figure out if you need mental support, physical treatment, or a combination of both to get back on the bedroom boogie train. 

It’s easy enough (and discreet enough) to perform. You just have to avoid alcohol, tranquilizers, or any sleep-inducing medications for 48 hours. 

Then, take a trip to the post office and purchase a few strips of postage stamps. 

You see, all healthy men get erections when they sleep. 

Known as nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT), this is a great indicator of one’s physical sexual health. 

If your body passes, then you know that your ED is all (or mostly) in your head.

  • Step #1: Go to the post office and buy a few packages of stamps. Specifically, you’re looking for the ones that are all attached in a line of four or six. 
  • Step #2: When you get home, pull your penis through the fly of your pajamas or place it above your waistband. 
  • Step #3: Wrap a strip of 4 to 6 postage stamps around your penis shaft, making sure that they fit snugly and aren’t making contact with any pubic hair. Most stamps are already sticky, so you can secure them in place by sticking the first stamp in the strip to the last one. 
  • Step #4: Once secure, carefully place your penis back in your pajama pants, and find a comfortable position in which to sleep. We recommend doing this test for several nights in a row to make sure you get accurate results. 

Now, if you get an erection at night, the stamps will tear along the perforated edges as blood fills your penis. 

If you don’t get an erection, the strip of stamps should remain more or less intact. 

Again, if you break the seal, your ED is likely the result of psychological problems. 

If you don’t, there could be some physical ailment preventing normal erectile function. 

21 Tips to Overcome Psychological Erectile Dysfunction

Just like physical ED, it takes a conscious and consistent effort on your part to overcome erectile issues related to stress, anxiety, depression, and trauma. 

That is, you can’t just put a mental band-aid on top of the problem and expect your mojo to return. 

Instead, you need to address the root cause so that you can give your mind and body a “clean sexual slate.” 

In this section, you’ll find 21 specific strategies to help you do this as quickly and effectively as possible. 

1. Deal with Relationship Problems to Overcome Psychological Erectile Dysfunction


When it comes to diagnosing ED and relationship issues, most guys will run into a sort of “chicken and egg” situation. 

That is: did the sexual dysfunction cause the problems, or did the issues cause the sexual dysfunction? 

As satisfying as it can be to know the answer, it’s usually a combination of the two. 

Sex can be a point of contention between any couple and can easily lead to stress, self-esteem issues, guilt, and depression. 

However, that stress can also come from money issues, job problems, and any other situation that couples face in their day-to-day lives together.  

But whether or not the problem is sex, the solution often still lies in the bedroom. 

After all, sex brings couples closer while also releasing the hormones we need to feel physically and mentally intimate. 

But if you can’t perform due to psychological ED, the stress in your relationship will only become more and more intense. 

So, what do you do about it? First things first: talk to your partner. 

Communication and honesty will not only take the mental load off you but get all of your problems out in the open, where they can be solved. 

You may even want to consider investing in a couple’s therapist to guide you through the process of mending your problems. 

Either way, getting all of that stressful gunk out of your brain and on the table is key to getting your relationship you’re your erections) back on track. 

2. Work on Low Self-Esteem to Cure Psychological ED 

At first glance, self-esteem doesn’t seem very scientific. 

After all, it’s really nothing more than the internal opinion that we all have of ourselves. 

However, it plays a significant role in how we deal with life’s many ups and downs. 

For instance, if we see ourselves in a critical light all the time, eventually, our bodies will start to believe us and act accordingly.

Translate this way of thinking into your sexual performance, and it isn’t hard to see how you can quickly lose your desire to get busy. 

Continue this trend for long enough, and it will only lead to the performance anxiety, guilt, and depression that will make those problematic sack sessions a permanent fixture in your life. 

So, while it might seem like a “Sesame Street” solution to a very adult problem, your sex life hinges on your learning how to love yourself again. 

Try to focus on what you’re good at and be more optimistic about all facets of your life. 

Moreover, learn to be more assertive so that you can start getting rid of the people in your life who drag you down. 

You’d be amazing what can happen when you surround yourself with positive people who actually believe in you. 

3. ED on Your Mind? It Could Be Low Testosterone 

Without getting too redundant, it’s important to remember that there is a significant bleed over between the physical causes of ED and the psychological ones. 

In this case, we’re talking about the way a physical problem (low testosterone) can lead to a psychological sexual side effect. 

You see, low testosterone levels can contribute to anxiety and an inability to properly address and deal with stress (source). 

This can, as we’ve discussed, create that snowball effect that turns your otherwise healthy boner into an untrustworthy shame staff. 

Fortunately, if you’re looking to boost your T levels, you’re already in the right place. 

Over the years. I’ve written article after article after article on how to boost your testosterone levels naturally. 

Any one of these will be a great jumping-off point to giving your hormones the attention they deserve and getting more successful sack time under your belt. 

4. Consider Sex Therapy to Overcome Psychological Erectile Dysfunction

I know, I know – talking about your feelings seems so overtly feminine, right? 

Well, as I’ve already said, we as men need to get over those old stigmas about asking for help when we need it. 

After all, there’s nothing particularly manly about quietly letting your sex life suffer due to a perfectly treatable PED disorder, is there? 

Sex therapy normally involves short-term counseling, which can last anywhere between five and 20 sessions. 

Your counselor will discuss the potential causes of your ED, encourage you to communicate with your partner more openly, and give you some exercises to help you remove the pressure to perform you might be feeling. 

It might seem odd at first, but soon it will seem as natural as going to the gym. 

5. The Cause of Psychological ED May Start in a Pill Bottle

Remember what I said about depression in our discussion above? Not only does the condition lead to erectile issues, but the cure can as well. 

In fact, almost all of the major types of anti-depressants (SSRIs, SNRIs, Benzos, and TCAs) have been linked to ED in one way or another. 

So whether you’re fighting off the blues with Klonopin, Prozac, Zoloft, or Cymbalta, you could be putting yourself at risk of reduced sexual function. 

Now, as we discussed, there are dozens of causes for depression, and the symptoms can be life-threatening if not treated properly. 

That said, it isn’t going to help matters if the solution to your problem causes you to miss out on the things you enjoy (i.e. having sex). 

The proper way to deal with this is to talk to your doctor, your partner, your therapist, or – preferably – all three. 

Whatever you do, don’t read this and go flushing your meds down the toilet. 

Quitting anti-depressants can be deadly if you don’t wean yourself off properly. 

6. Get a Grip on Premature Ejaculation to Treat Your Mental ED


Let’s be honest, guys: every single one of us has gone off half-cocked at some point in our lives. 

In all honesty, there was likely a huge benefit to this early in our species’ development, as men who orgasmed quickly could go on to impregnate more females. 

Nowadays, however, sexual fulfillment for both partners is crucial to a successful relationship. 

So, if you’re suffering from premature ejaculation, you’re likely already dealing with stress, performance anxiety, and self-esteem issues (three of the primary PED causes we listed above). 

Let all of this build up for too long, and your entire sexual system might just give up on the whole idea. 

Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to retrain your body and regain your confidence. 

From pelvic floor exercises to strengthen your Kegel muscles to mastering the pause and squeeze technique, anyone can learn to delay the onset of their orgasm. 

The more you master your own body, the more confident (and less pressured) you’ll feel when it “comes” time to perform. 

7. Consider Cognitive Behavioral Therapy 

It seems perfectly logical: if the problem is in your head, the solution should be there too, right? 

That’s the theory behind Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, which has recently had significant success in treating men who have non-organic erectile dysfunction (source). 

Specially, it addresses the “vicious cycle” effect that poor sexual performance can have.

We’ve addressed this already in several sections. 

You develop a fear of performance based on one or more past failures, and it snowballs into powerful negative emotions about sex. 

As the cycle persists, you eventually learn to avoid sexual contact altogether to keep the failure from repeating itself. 

Sooner or later, your relationships begin to break down. 

CBT addresses this by focusing on your negative perfections about yourself, your partner’s expectations, and sex in general in a proactive and positive way. 

In fact, the best thing about CBT is that treatment will be specifically tailored to your needs, which will ensure faster (and more successful) results.  

8. Take Your Focus Off the Erection (And Put it On Her)

Men have known about the power of distraction for generations. 

I mean, even today’s teenagers are probably sharing TikToks instructing them to “think about Fortnight” in order to avoid coming too fast. 

After all, sometimes ignoring the problem can actually benefit you! 

In this case, you’re not pretending you don’t have psychological ED, but instead taking your mind’s attention off of what’s going on with you and re-directing it onto your partner. 

Doing this has a multi-faceted effect. 

Since women take much longer to climax, your kissing, caressing, and extended oral sessions will drastically increase her satisfaction. 

This will help minimize any guilt or performance anxiety you might feel, and give you a nice boost of porn-star level confidence. 

On top of that, you’ll be giving your penis adequate time to reach full arousal (without having it be the center of attention). 

9. Treat ED Using the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

One of the fastest-growing trends in the treatment of anxiety, depression, and phobias is what’s known as the Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT. 

Like acupuncture, this process focuses on special “hot spots” to restore balance to your body’s energies. 

However, rather than using needles, you only use your fingers to apply pressure to these points. 

Now, whether you believe in bodily energies or not matters less than the fact that EFT clears your mind and allows you to focus on and accept your problems. 

Indeed, it’s been shown in several studies to be a legitimate treatment for many psychological ailments – PED included (source). 

The process begins by having the patient identify the problem or phobia they are experiencing. 

This is meant to be the “focal point” of the exercise and can be repeated as necessary as you proceed. 

The next step is to set your level of intensity between 0 and 10, which represents the discomfort you feel regarding your specific problem. 

Once all of this is established, you must develop a phrase that acknowledges your problem while also accepting yourself despite it. 

The rest of the therapy involves a process called “tapping.” 

This is where you press on specific meridian points while simultaneously reciting your phrase. 

It takes some getting used to and is a much more detailed procedure than you might think, but you can find guides to help you all over the internet.

And keep in mind that one of the primary groups to see success from this treatment are veterans suffering from PTSD, so don’t pull that “I’m too manly for Eastern therapy” bit. 

10. Addressing Guilt Can Help Heal Your Mental ED

I mentioned above how guilt might not be the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of causes for your Psychological ED. 

However, you’d actually be surprised just how pervasive (and sneaky) feelings of shame and humiliation can be. 

After all, there’s a reason why modern sex education focuses on making kids feel OK with exploring their bodies – it makes for more sexually healthy adults. 

So, whether you grew up thinking masturbation would send you straight to hell or had a series of sexual failures that you can’t stop thinking of, the root cause is always the same: guilt. 

And just like anxiety, low self-esteem, and trauma, it can manifest in a less-than-cooperative cock. 

The solution? 

You need to ditch that weight with some good old-fashioned positivity. 

This starts with naming the problem openly, so you can’t hide behind it. 

Next, you need to spend some time meditating on why you have these guilty feelings and how they’re affecting your life. 

Apologize, make plans to be better, and try to introduce some gratitude into your mindset. 

Eventually, the guilt will melt off, and you’ll find yourself in the right headspace to perform again. 

11. Use CBD Oil to Overcome Psychological Erectile Dysfunction

We talked before about how past negative sexual experiences or perceived sexual failures can manifest as performance anxiety. 

When this happens, your mind can seriously impede your body’s ability to function. 

In fact, performance anxiety is a hallmark of almost all Psychological ED cases, either as the direct cause or as a symptom!

Fortunately, there’s an all-natural solution that’s becoming more and more common: CBD. 

And though the world’s governments have been spending decades treating “the devil’s lettuce” like any other dangerous drug, the benefits of cannabis are finally starting to turn the political tide. 

One of the first “cannabinoids” to see major use in medical circles is CBD, a powerful, non-intoxicating, anxiety treatment. 

CBD has been shown in multiple studies to positively affect serotonin levels, boosting the patient’s mood and helping them relax in tense situations. 

So, if you’ve trained yourself to see sex as the equivalent of taking the SATs on a balance beam, taking regular doses of CBD (as a tincture, supplement, drop, or tea) could be the answer. 

12. Consider Getting a Network Spinal Analysis

Most of us will never know just how much tension we’re holding in our bodies until we have our first massage, chiropractic adjustment, or acupuncture treatment. 

Well, when it comes to tension release, there’s another procedure you might not have heard of yet. 

It’s called Network Spinal Analysis. 

Invented back in the 1980s by Dr. Donny Epstein, NSA involves gentle manipulations designed to free your spine of any trapped tension. 

It might seem like bunk at first, but try to remember that your spinal column is basically your body’s direct line to the brain. 

In fact, many patients (including lifestyle guru Tony Robbins) have experienced powerful mental and physical results from the treatment. 

Among the most common ailments NSA can address are ADD, Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, and substance abuse. 

So, if you’re suffering from Psychological ED, this could put you in the best position to resolve your issues.  

13. Hold Off on the “Erections” and Address the Dysfunction 

There are two parts to every case of ED. 

While we men tend to focus solely on the “erection” aspect, we often fail to address the causes and effects related to the dysfunction. 

And while there are likely examples of men who have purely physical or psychological ED, you can’t really have one without the other. 

As with any major condition, putting a bandage on your ED isn’t going to lead to any long-term solutions. 

So, be honest and thorough with yourself. 

Are you experiencing low sexual desire? Is your ED coupled with an inability to climax? Are you showing any symptoms of hormonal imbalances?  

I may be focusing on it now, but I hope you realize that it’s actually the through-line to this entire article: your Psychological ED starts somewhere

Until you find out what and where that starting point is and address it, you aren’t going to make much progress.

14. Break Your Pornography Addiction to Cure Mental ED


Like it or not, pornography is part of life. 

From the first moment man realized he could draw a line in the sand or paint on a cave wall, he was drawing T&A in one form or another. 

However, the fact that porn is natural does not mean it has to be so ubiquitous. 

Nor does it mean that it’s safe to digest as often as many of us are.  

Indeed, study after study has found some correlation between sexual dysfunction and porn use. 

The most common symptom was an overall lack of desire for actual sex with a partner, which can easily manifest as anxiety, indifference, or guilt. 

As we’ve already discussed at length, any or all of these can ultimately lead to PED. 

Sure it’s a big ugly mishmash of symptoms and causes, but there’s no real way to deny that too much porn plays a huge role. 

So, what can you do about it? 

The only real solution is to quit using hardcore pornography.

If you’ve been a long time user, this may be the hardest thing you ever do.

But once you break the habit, you’ll be a new man, inside and out.

15. Try Semen Retention to Overcome Psychological Erectile Dysfunction

“No Nut November” may be just another dumb internet trend, but there’s something to be said about the concept. 

You see, cultures all over the world have, at some point or another, recommended abstaining from sex and masturbation as a way to enhance libido. 

Indeed, thousands of men suffering from PED have reported excellent results from the practice, even if they only made it two weeks instead of four. 

Most theories related to the topic assume that abstaining from sexual activity helps build up the body’s natural desire for sex. 

This can help break through mental barriers related to guilt, indifference, stress, and anxiety. 

Essentially, you’re “out hornying” your PED by pretending instant sexual gratification isn’t a thing. 

16. Use a Penis Pump to Get Your Erections Back on Track

Though they’ve been the butt of more than a few jokes over the years, penis pumps are legitimate, doctor-approved medical tools. 

That said, they are less associated with a cure for Psychological ED, and are more often prescribed physical erection problems. 

Still, what better way to free your mind from a sexual block than giving yourself a big, powerful erection?

You see, penis pumps work by pulling blood into the penile shaft, flooding the corpus cavernosa that allow your penis to harden. 

The result is purely physical, but it can have a positive mental effect. 

Indeed, men can maintain an erection using a penis pump for a full 30 minutes.

However, since you’re problem isn’t related to blood flow or atrophy, you don’t need to bring the penis pump into the bedroom with you.

Instead, you should use it in private (as a replacement for masturbation). 

The idea here is for you to start “training” your penis and brain to work when you want them to again. 

Oh, and one more thing: don’t climax. 

Because holding off build up sexual back pressure, which will help deliver that erection when you need it most.

17. Get Counseling for Depression

Ask any man that has decided to seek counseling for their depression, and they’ll likely tell you it was the best decision they ever made. 

After all, depression affects men at an incredibly high rate, and it’s becoming more and more common as the stresses of our modern world continue to pile up. 

Often, one of the first things to go is sexual desire and sexual performance. 

So if you’re even mildly suspicious that your ED problems might stem from depression (or anxiety, trauma, and guilt), consider seeking counseling. 

Trust me: it will only seem strange for the first few sessions. 

After that, talking to a professional will become an important (and insightful) part of your recovery. 

18. Work with Your Doctor to Get Off SSRI’S

Continuing our discussion about depression, it’s worth mentioning that some doctors will attempt to treat your issues with medication. 

And if you remember back to our pill discussion at the beginning of this list, you’ll know that such a solution might only end up compounding your erectile issues. 

But what if you’re already on them? 

Well, the good news is that the side effects of SSRIs and other depression treatments are pretty well known (source). 

This means that doctors and psychologists are used to having their patients approach them asking to get off the drugs. 

But again, you can’t just quit anti-depressants cold turkey. You and your doctor need to form a plan to wean you off them safely. 

19. Use Guided Imagery to Cure Mental Impotence


If a closed mind is behind your ED, the solution might very well be an open one. 

Sometimes, that means considering new or alternative treatments that we might otherwise dismiss. 

A great example (and one that has shown surprising success in treating Psychological ED is Guided Imagery. 

This is essentially a visualization exercise during which you listen to a script detailing a positive scenario for which you’re hoping to acheive. 

This takes place while you are in a state similar to hypnosis. 

Essentially, your brain is unable to tell the difference between the real and the guided scenario, and it begins “rewiring” itself to match the imagined performance. 

It’s been reported that men who use Guided Imagery to visualize themselves having great erections and successful sex will notice results in about one month (source). 

So if you’re ready to consider a real, doctor-approved “brain hack,” this might be the solution you’ve been waiting for. 

20. Try Sensate Focus Therapy to Overcome Psychological Erectile Dysfunction

While we’re on the subject of therapies that have proved quite effective at reducing sexual issues, we need to talk about what’s known as “Sensate Focus Therapy.” 

This is less about addressing your psychological ED and more about managing the relationship-based stressors that might be contributing to them. 

As an added bonus, it’s the first solution on this list that involves your partner as well. 

It works like this: you and your partner participate in a series of behavioral exercises designed to enhance your intimacy. 

As the therapist guides you, you’ll learn how to talk about sex, address and meet one another’s needs, change your attitudes about sex, and eliminate some of the behaviors and feelings that might be negatively affecting your performance. 

One particular source reported that couples who participated for two weeks were 105% more satisfied with their amount of physical intimacy, felt 72% more physically connected, and were 70% more satisfied with the amount of touch and closeness they experienced on a daily basis. 

21. Try Having Sex in the Morning 

This is less of a stand-alone solution and more of a tip that you should consider as you implement all of the other items on this list. 

You see, it’s natural for us to want to have sex at night. 

We’re already in our jammies, we’re likely already in bed, and maybe we’ve had some time to warm up over dinner and drinks. 

However, your sex drive (and testosterone levels) are actually highest in the morning. 

Moreover, you’ll be less likely to have any other substances (like alcohol and meds) floating around your system when you first wake up. 

And if that wasn’t enough to encourage you to try some AM sack time, remember that expectations are usually incredibly low as well! 

After all, a quickie is typically all most couples have time for! 

Overcome Psychological Erectile Dysfunction Conclusion:

If you take only one thing away from this entire article, I hope it’s the following…

You don’t have to live with erectile dysfunction of any kind. 

Whether it’s mental, physical, or – as most often the case – some combination of the two, there is a cure for what’s causing your wang-related woes. 

That said, you can’t do anything about those problems if you ignore them, cover them up with pills, or allow your sex life to die so you can pretend they don’t exist. 

Talk about your problems. Talk to your doctor. Talk to your partner. 

Read articles like this one and take the advice! 

The solution is out there – you just have to be honest and willing to put in the work!

About the Author Mark

Article edited by Mark Wilson. Mark currently owns 5 sites in the men's sexual health niche and has published more than 5,000 articles and blog posts on dozens of websites all over the world wide web.

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