(Medically reviewed by Dr. Zac Hyde M.D) Wondering if erectile dysfunction can be reversed? Well, I have some good news for you. Based on my experience blogging in the ED niche for nearly 15 years, I can say that in most cases the answer is most definitely YES. And for many ...

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(Medically reviewed by Dr. Zac Hyde M.D) I decided to update this magnesium for erectile dysfunction page after experiencing some pretty incredible results from a specific form of magnesium I’ve been using lately. It’s called magnesium glycinate, a highly absorbable form of the mineral that promotes sleep, which may explain it’s ...

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(Medically reviewed by Dr. Zac Hyde M.D Are Environmental Plastics Testicle Toxins? I decided to publish this article on microplastics and testosterone after watching a video on youtube. The creator of the clip took a microscope to a can of tuna, zoomed in and exposed a startling amount of microplactic inside ...

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(Medically reviewed by Dr. Zac Hyde M.D Does alcohol cause erectile dysfunction? That’s a loaded question, because it depends on how much you drink. Fortunately, we have a new study that came out after this article was originally published that gives us a pretty straightforward answer. So here’s the latest update ...

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Medically reviewed by Dr. Zac Hyde M.D) When a man contacts me and asks, How Can I Maintain an Erection, I always ask him one question right back.  Over the last 6 months, have you gotten off more often with your right hand or with another warm body? If the hand ...

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(Medically reviewed by Dr. Zac Hyde M.D) Why You NEVER Want to Lose Them!  I decided to update this page on random erections because I came across a study I hadn’t seen before that we need to discuss. And keep in mind as you read this… This info is not for ...

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