(Low Carb and Erectile Dysfunction, written by David Jaynes) The good news about low carb diets is they can help you with rapid weight loss. The better news about low carb diets is they basically let you eat like you would if your gal was out of town. Steak and eggs ...
This article’s going to have one of two extreme reactions from most readers… Because most men have one of two reactions to licorice. For those who consider it one of the finest delicacies ever created, or someone who swears by its medicinal qualities…. You’re going to be very disappointed in what ...
Is ED Ruining Your Relationship? If so, you need to remember… Stress, especially relationship stress, can cause blatant erectile dysfunction… Even in men who have nothing physical preventing their “little soldier” from standing at attention. What’s worse, a little ED can lead to serious relationship stress…which can lead to more ED… ...
If you can increase ejaculation volume naturally… You’re going to drastically increase the quality of your life, inside and outside the sack. I say this because big ejaculations are a potent sign of virility and balanced male hormone levels. And if you pay attention… You’ll notice high volume always comes with ...
Is there any truth to the Use it or Lose it theory? Well, this article by David Jaynes makes a very strong case that the theory is actually dead on. Let’s take a look… Use it or Lose it-The Cold Hard Facts Here’s something you already knew: men want to have ...
(Article medically reviewed by Dr. Zac Hyde M.D) Are you thinking about using taurine for erections? Good call, when most people think of taurine, they usually think of energy drinks. After all, taurine is a key ingredient in Red Bull, Monster, and Rockstar, who together make up about 62% of the ...
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