(Article medically reviewed by Dr. Zac Hyde M.D)
Is there a connection between penile atrophy and arterial plaque?
As we age, plaque does tend to build up on the inside walls of the arteries, especially in those of us living in first world countries..
This plaque is made up of a wide variety of substances, including calcium, fat, cholesterol, and cellular waste.

While most men associate this chronic condition, known as atherosclerosis, with increased heart attack and stroke risk, it can also cause serious problems with sexual function.
In this article, we’ll take a closer look at your sexual health, atherosclerosis, and how unaddressed plaque buildup can result in a dire condition known as “penile atrophy.”
Arterial Plaque and Age
The National Institute of Aging explains that while plaque buildup is extremely common, it is not simply an inevitable part of growing older.
That said, there are so many different factors contributing to this condition that avoiding it can often seem more a matter of luck than deliberate action.
From diet and high blood pressure to obesity, exercise habits, and simple genetics, men of all backgrounds can wake up one day to find themselves suffering the side effects of clogged arteries.
Among the worst of these are chest pain, heart palpitations, nausea, sweating, and shortness of breath.
However, due to the importance that your arteries play in sexual function, your first hint that plaque is affecting your blood flow might actually take place in the bedroom.
Penile Atrophy and Arterial Plaque
You might remember from high school science class that your arteries carry oxygen-rich blood away from your heart, while your veins bring low-oxygen blood back.
Though most of us only think of the four largest arteries, there are actually thousands of small branch offs designed to carry blood to your extremities – including your penis.
The problem is that these off-branching arteries are much smaller and narrower than your carotid or femoral.
So, where plaque buildup in the latter arteries can cause serious problems for your blood flow…
It may cause the arterioles and capillaries present in your penis to become blocked altogether (source).
Such blockage can make it near impossible for your body to fill the spongy tissues with blood, thus resulting in erectile dysfunction.
But to make matters much worse, this buildup can actually end up solidifying on the arterial walls of your penis.
When this happens, the means spongy tissues and open chambers in your penis no longer expand as they should.
Over time, this causes your erections to not only become softer, but smaller as well.
Yes, that’s correct: arterial plaque can actually cause your penis to shrink.
What is Penile Atrophy?
If there’s one thing we’ve known since adolescence, it’s that our penises have a remarkable ability to grow.
Thanks to its many chambers and a network of arteries, the average penis can expand dramatically during sexual arousal, providing it is supplied with enough oxygen-rich blood.
In fact, given the right exercises and supplements, these chambers can even grow larger.
But the opposite is also true.
When the chambers and various tissues of the penis stiffen and constrict, it results in what we call atrophy.
This condition can affect both your testicles and your penis, and can eventually lead to permanent shrinkage and even a complete loss of sexual function.
When coupled with a natural drop in testosterone levels and a decrease in sexual activity due to age, it’s possible to lose your ability to have an erection altogether.
Caring for Your Arteries
As with most age-related health conditions, the key to preventing penile atrophy is taking steps to prevent the medical problems that lead to it.
In the case of atrophy, the primary culprit is the aforementioned atherosclerosis.
If you can find ways to avoid the growth of plaque or even remove plaque that is already present in your arteries, you can keep the supply of oxygen-rich blood to your penis flowing regardless of age.
So, what are the main causes of atherosclerosis?
- High cholesterol
- High blood pressure
- Diabetes
- Obesity
- Smoking
Obviously, if you are in your 30s, 40s, or 50s and still smoking, you need to quit immediately.
This isn’t just for your sexual health, of course, though you can rest assured those problems are coming soon.
You see, smoking constricts the blood vessels while simultaneously contributing to plaque growth.
In fact, cigarettes alone are sufficient to render all other anti-atherosclerosis efforts useless.
Moving on from smoking, it’s clear that the other common factors that can lead to penile atrophy can all be averted by improvements in your diet and a commitment to getting more exercise.
In short: doing all of those things your doctors have been telling you to do for years.
We’ll list the most important below:
Lower Your Cholesterol – In addition to the diet and exercise suggestions discussed below, you should also supplement with niacin.
Studies have proven that niacin lowers lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels from 10- 25 percent. It increases HDL (good) cholesterol levels from 15 -35 percent.
And niacin slashes triglycerides levels up to a whopping 50 percent.
And this affordable, OTC supplement does all this with none of the nasty side effects delivered by the statin drugs.
Lower Your Blood Pressure – This one is easy. To reduce BP, simply balance out your sodium to potassium levels by drinking celery juice.
Lose a little weight if you’re carrying a few extra pounds.
And take steps to reduce stress, which is a key player in elevated blood pressure in the western world.
Lose Weight – Both obesity and Type 2 Diabetes is the result from too many extra pounds around the waistline.
And while losing weight (and finding time to exercise) might seem to be more of a challenge as we grow older, the sexual benefits are simply overwhelming.
There is also the added bonus of increasing your testosterone and HGH levels, which can provide a boost to your sexual health no matter your age.
Once you’ve addressed the basics above, you can start chipping away at existing plaque by following the protocols on this page.
If you are suffering with atrophy, erectile dysfunction and heart disease symptoms, I’d highly recommend you implement all five suggestions.
Penile Atrophy and Arterial Plaque – Conclusion:
Penile atrophy is a “Game Over” condition for many men.
Once the tissues and arteries in the penis start to harden, it can be quite difficult to undo the process.
This means that the best approach to dealing with the condition is to avoid it altogether.
To do that, you need to be taking steps to reduce or reverse atherosclerosis as early as possible.
For a little motivation to get on it, keep this piece of trivia in mind…
When autopsies were performed on soldiers killed in the Vietnam war, 45 percent of the young men already had plaque in their arteries.