Pine Pollen Testosterone

A Powerful Erection Booster

(Article medically reviewed by Dr. Zac Hyde M.D)

Pine Pollen, Testosterone…pine-pollen-testosterone

Two words you need to remember if your bedroom performance could use a lift.

Because pine pollen does one thing incredibly well…

It facilitates increased testosterone production inside the testicles…without causing testicular atrophy.

And this is a Huge point.

You can almost look at this stuff as the plant version of anabolic steroids…without all the negative B.S.

But that’s not all it can do…

Because pine pollen is basically tree sperm. Acrobatic semen that gets blown into the wind with the hope….

That it will land on a female ovary (blossom) and inseminate it.

This is how pine tree babies are made.

And like the sperm of any species, this tree shoots out some potent material…that for some Strange Reason….

Human males respond really well to.

Pine Pollen also impacts sex hormone binding globulin, nitric oxide production AND estrogen balance in human males.

So this stuff works on hormones and on erections.

But it’s important that you cycle this herb so you don’t develop tolerance to it.

You can read more about cycling here.

Now here’s more on this subject from Spencer…

Pine Pollen Testosterone Part 2:

There are several natural ways to help you get it up bigger and better than ever…

Remedies that have been passed down for thousands of years and remedies that have just been discovered.

Pine pollen is one of those hundred year remedies. Whether you’re struggling with erectile dysfunction, or you just want some harder wood, pine pollen can really help you get going.

Here’s how…


Pine Pollen Effects & Benefits

Pine pollen is a supplement derived from (obviously) the pollen of pine trees, usually the Masson pine, the Chinese oil pine, or the Scots Pine.

Aside from helping ED, it has wide range of benefits that will make you healthier, and more sexually fit (source)

First, pine pollen is full of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, which collectively work to help your body function at a higher level.

Second, pine pollen has loads of sterols, which are naturally occurring plant steroids.

In pine pollen, sterols work to benefit your total health in a range of ways:

• Brassinolide improves liver function
• Castasterone is a strong antiviral
• Gibberellins help regulate prostate size

In addition, pine pollen has been used in China for thousands of years as an anti-inflammatory treatment, as a way to clean up free radicals, and to slow the aging process.

However, its major use remains for its tremendous (and natural) improvement of your morning wood.

Pine Pollen And Erectile Dysfunction

Pine pollen will help increase your testosterone levels through its role as an androgen. But testosterone isn’t the only way that it can help you get (and keep) a good erection.

Pine pollen also works to improve your erections in two other ways: with arginine, and through superoxide dismutase, or SOD.

I’ve talked about arginine and ED before, but the core idea is that arginine is required to produce nitric oxide, which in turn is needed to get blood flowing to your penis and then to hold it there.

Pine pollen, arginine, and ED

Pine pollen contains natural arginine that your body will put to use to build stronger erections. Arginine is good for your sperm too, improving sperm motility, general fertility, and cranking up sperm production.

The result is a better erection with more (and better) swimmers.

Superoxide dismutase (SOD)

SOD is an enzyme that acts in your body to break down free radicals. When it comes to ED, oxidative stress (having too many free radicals in your body) has been linked to age related ED (source).

The problem is that free radicals effect the metabolic pathways that lead to NO production and the natural release of cGMP.

Basically, when you’ve got too many free radicals running around, your ability to achieve an erection will diminish.

SOD is an enzyme that can specifically target the type of free radicals that cause the most problems (superoxides), and can alleviate the symptoms quickly and easily.

At the end of the day, pine pollen helps you get hard by both increasing how much NO you have in your system, and decreasing the number of roadblocks you have to go through to get your erection.

This dual action is why it’s so effective, and why it’s been used for hundreds of years to treat ED.

And that’s all without testosterone…

Pine Pollen Testosterone Part 3:

Pine pollen is one of nature’s greatest sources of testosterone and other androgens, particularly phytoandrogens.

Phytoandrogens are testosterone for plants. But they work for us too.

What makes pine pollen so unique is that instead of simply providing you a boost of testosterone, it actually promotes your bodies ability to build its own…..

With a combination of the adaptogenic effects of phytoandrogens and the fact that sterols promote testosterone production by binding to the receptors in your testicles.

Other androgens in pine pollen include DHEA, androsterone…and androstenedione, a weaker androgen that’s an intermediary step in the production of testosterone.

By boosting your entire androgen system, pine pollen helps facilitate the production and absorption of testosterone and other male hormones, which in turn improve your libido.

So what sort of improvements? Big ones…

First, low fertility is associated with low levels of testosterone production in your testes.

Because pine pollen improves your ecosystem for testosterone production, rather than just shooting you full of testosterone, it’s actually going to increase your ability to produce sperm at a higher rate, leading to better fertility over time.

It’s like teaching a man to fish, rather than buying him a sandwich.

Second, by increasing how much testosterone is in your body, you’re going to increase how much dihydrotestosterone (DHT) you have as well.

This is the main regulator of both cGMP and nitric oxide, which means that you’ll find it easier to get hard when you want.

And finally, this pine pollen testosterone connection will help you reverse the effects of andropause and keep your hormones in balance. This is key to having a successful sex life.

Update – Pine Pollen & Inflammation

We’re updating this article because a new group of studies shows another important way pine pollen can help solve your erectile dysfunction issues.

Turns out, pine pollen acts as a powerful natural anti inflammatory.

Why does this matter?

Because inflammation is one of the primary drivers behind erectile dysfunction in humans.

That may seem to make little sense, since an erection could be described as “inflammation of the junk.”

But it’s much more complex than that, and matters more than you might think.

Science has known for a while that some causes of inflammation also cause ED.

Examples include smoking, drinking and eating inflammatory foods like highly refined carbohydrates and low quality omega 6 fats.

Correlation and causation aren’t the same thing, but when two things are closely linked such as inflammation and ED, there’s a good chance fixing one can fix the other.

Adding more weight to this argument, we now know beyond a shadow of a doubt that inflammation can exacerbate a variety of circulatory problems.

And as you probably already know, healthy circulation is vital if you want to avoid erectile dysfunction…

So anything that reduces or prevents inflammation will lead to better circulation and will also reduce or prevent ED.

For example, even inflammation of the gums can cause ED, according to work by researchers at the Luzhou Medical College in China (source).

In this study, scientists found a direct and proportional correlation between gum inflammation in rodents and reduced erectile function.

Bottom line: if pine pollen can reduce inflammation, it can help with your erectile dysfunction.

Now, let’s take a look at a few more pine pollen studies…

Kyunghee University, Seoul, Korea.

Back in 2007, a team of researchers in the Nutrition department investigated what pine pollen extract could do with inflammation and pain in mice.

This study first induced inflammation of the paw and ear. They gave the mice an extract of pine pollen, in doses of 100 or 200 mg per kilogram of body weight.

The pine pollen extract significantly reduced inflammation of the paw and ear, and did so more with the higher dosage than with the lower dosage.

This study also tested the impact of pine pollen on pain threshold.

The less said about those methods, the better…but the results led researchers to say the pain and inflammation reduction qualities of pine pollen were similar to that of a full dose of aspirin (source).

Fast-forward one year…

Following up on their research, the same team looked at the chemical processes behind their results with experiments on tissues gathered in-vitro from mouse specimens.

The science on this one is pretty technical…

It includes stuff along the lines of “antioxidant activity increased with the addition of PPE to the linoleic acid emulsion.

Pine pollen extract was also found to inhibit significantly the amount of malondialdehyde and protein carbonyls, etc…”

Engaging our scientist-to-english dictionary…

The study applied pine pollen extract to love cells to test its properties as an antioxidant and antiinflammatory.

What they found was that pine pollen reduced inflammation and oxidation by directly interfering with the biochemical process that causes inflammation in rodents and in humans.

In 2009, the team was ready to attempt a treatment protocol…

They treated mice who were somehow given arthritis with pine pollen extract and monitored whether the pine pollen reduced joint inflammation in the rodents.

After 49 days, arthritis-related inflammation was “markedly reduced” in the subjects.

The researchers concluded…

Pine pollen was a potentially effective treatment for chronic inflammatory illnesses.

The bottom line?

If inflammation is contributing to your erectile dysfunction, pine pollen will almost certainly help.

Pine Pollen Side Effects

There are few reported side effects of pine pollen for the vast majority of users.

Unlike manufactured steroids, PP does not cause down regulation of testosterone, nor does it cause testicular shrinkage.

Some people are allergic to pine pollen and (obviously ) should avoid using it.

The best option is to give it a try and see how it goes, starting with a smaller dose the first time if you’re prone to allergies.

Pine Pollen Products

There are a few variations on pine pollen supplements that you can take, but it’s most common forms are either as a tincture or a powder.

Pine Pollen Tincture

A tincture is a liquid extract mixed with alcohol. In this case, it’s basically pine pollen put in a jar with alcohol (or another solution like vinegar) and left for a few weeks.

It’s possible to make your own, but it’s unlikely to be as potent as what you can buy from a reputable source.

Here’s the brand I recommend and use myself.

The benefits of taking pine pollen as a tincture is that you get the full absorption of all the phyto-androgens, including DHEA.

Oftentimes, these are lost in the digestive tract when pine pollen is consumed as a powder. For this reason, and because your body can absorb liquids faster than powders, you get a big hit of testosterone right away.

That’s why tinctures are the recommended product for treating ED for men over 30.

Pine Pollen Powder

Power is the second main form that pine pollen takes. This is simply pollen that’s been collected, dried, and ground up.

If you go the powder route, make sure you know how it’s processed…

Pine pollen exists within a cellulose shell and the only way to crack that shell is to heat it – but if you heat it too much, you’re going to denature the enzymes and make it less effective.

So what you want to look for is a supplier that offers cracked pine pollen powder, who cracks it by heating it very gently for a long time.

These products are typically a bit more expensive, but the extra cost is worth it.

Pine Pollen Dosage

To treat erectile dysfunction with pine pollen powder, a dose of three tablespoons (standard dose is one tablespoon) dissolved in 8oz of water and you should see results as soon as the next morning.

If you are a man over 30 though, I’d say opt for the tincture extract. Because it’s more concentrated, it’s a good option to kickstart your testosterone production. I’d recommend 30 drops, which is the amount found if you fill the dropper to the top.

Update: More Pine Pollen’s Studies

We’ve come across a few more pine pollen studies, so we’ve decided to update this page again.

Let’s go…

Pine pollen is loaded with amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins. 

This makes them essential to providing us with energy, allowing us to grow and build muscles, and supporting cellular healing. 

These aminos also contribute to healthy blood flow, and have been shown to significantly benefit men suffering from erectile dysfunction (source). 

Pine pollen is also very rich in Vitamins C, B1, and B3. While everyone knows that the former is essential to immune system health, 

Vitamin B3 is significant in that it helps contribute to our body’s release of nitric oxide, which helps trigger erections. 

The last major components of pine pollen are antioxidants and minerals. 

From potassium to zinc, the extract is great for helping maintain the circulation of oxygen-rich blood while helping maintain healthy testosterone levels. 

Antioxidants, on the other hand, are critical to removing unhealthy molecules from our bodies, and have even been shown to have anti-aging effects.  

Studies into Pine Pollen’s Efficacy 

Though Western medicine is starting to come around, there’s no denying the fact that Eastern researchers are far more open to studying the effects of natural herbs, compounds, and extracts. 

Therefore, it should come as no surprise that one of the formative studies on pine pollen comes from China. 

Conducted in 2018, the analysis found that pine pollen has a unique ability to “improve the dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis” in aging males. 

Using rats as test subjects, researchers saw significantly-increased levels of luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) after regular administration of pine pollen. 

The study also revealed that both low and high doses of the substance improved sperm count and motility, while simultaneously reducing the level of estrogen in the body. 

At the same time, the antioxidant elements present in the extract helped decrease inflammation and the subjects’ levels of dangerous free radicals (1). 

Pine Pollen Study (Prostate Health)

Another Eastern Medical study attempted to discern the effects that pine pollen might have on men suffering hyperplasia of the prostate. 

As most of us know, an enlarged prostate is common in men of all ages, and it can directly affect both erectile function and semen volume. 

The study (again) included male rats, with some being fed pine pollen supplements and others not. 

It was eventually discovered that the prostate glands of the pine pollen group weighed significantly less and boasted a much healthier overall shape. 

The pollen group also displayed higher concentrations of zinc and copper in the prostate tissue, indicating that those minerals played a major role in the improvement (2). 

Pine Pollen and Aging

Research conducted in 2017 at the University of Olomouc in the Czech Republic sought to identify any links between plant hormones, aging, and age-related diseases. 

Published in the book, “Hormones in Ageing and Longevity,” the study demonstrated the wide range of effects that phytohormones can have on animal tissues and cells. 

Specifically, researchers found that phytohormones were exceptionally adept at protecting cells from stress and oxidation. 

It was so significant, the doctors even felt there was potential to use extracts like pine pollen in the treatment of inflammatory and neurodegenerative illnesses. 

Pine Pollen and Testosterone Study

Earlier, we talked about how Vitamin B3 helps contribute to our body’s release of nitric oxide. 

Not only does this important chemical function as the triggering mechanism for erections, but it also has a positive effect on sperm concentration and motility. 

This was further evidenced in a 2001 study performed in Genoa, Italy (3). 

Head researcher Dr. Sandra Valenti introduced nitric oxide into cultured rat Leydig cells in a variety of different concentrations. 

In short measure, the cells were found to display increased levels of testosterone and cGMP secretion. 

Providing the amounts introduced were not too high, these effects remained across the board.   


Pine pollen is a great source of testosterone and other androgens that are quite effective at keeping your morning wood and your daytime erections alive.

By improving your natural ability to produce testosterone, as well as catalysing the various metabolic processes that you need to get hard, it’s truly one of nature’s greatest hidden treasures.

Whether you opt for the hefty dose of a tincture, or a megadose of the powder, pine pollen is sure to make you feel good and turn your sex life around.

Pine Pollen Testosterone – References:

(1) Niu Siyan, Effects of Pine Pollen on gonadal axis secretion in male aging rats: Hebei Medical College, 2011, 17(7): 8270874
(2) 87728404_Interventional_effects_of_pine_pollen_in_rats_with_hyperplasia_of_prostate
(3) Biphasic impact of nitric oxide on male hormones and cyclic GMP manufacturing by purified rat Leydig cells cultured in vitro (Sandra Valenti, 2001)

About the Author Mark

Article edited by Mark Wilson. Mark currently owns 5 sites in the men's sexual health niche and has published more than 5,000 articles and blog posts on dozens of websites all over the world wide web.

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